The most efficient way to hire tech talent

Match with the perfect talent and meet +12 qualified candidates in less than a week

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Screenshot of Joppy's platform in laptop

Benefits of using Joppy


5 days

to connect with +12 curated

& evaluated candidates



of companies have

used our guarantee


30 days

time to hire a tech




of turnover compared

to the tech market

+6 years in the market


experienced candidates (~4,5 years of experience) in any tech stack



companies helped



tech jobs posted & managed


Start optimizing your recruitment process and enjoy the benefits of using Joppy

Who trust us to attract top talent

+1,520 startups, scaleups & corporates

What customer say about us 😍

Logo @MinsaitLogo @Minsait
Carmen Gómez picture

Carmen Gómez

Global Talent Acquisition Manager


"I've been in Tech Talent recruitment for many years, and Joppy has pleasantly surprised me. After 3 months of use, it's proven easy, intuitive, and fast, delivering immediate results. We've filled tough positions quickly, making it a valuable tool for talent acquisition. Congrats on the great results!"

Logo @The Hotels Network
Jordi Miró picture

Jordi Miró


@The Hotels Network

"We are satisfied with the diverse candidates hired through Joppy. The platform is easy to use, and we've maintained a good relationship with the candidates."

Logo @Payretailers
Maria Ramajo picture

Maria Ramajo

People Generalist


"We liked Joppy's intuitive and easy-to-use platform, which saved us time in the early stages of recruitment. It helped us reduce hiring times and find better matches, especially for Backend Developers, which was crucial given our high volume of hires"

Logo @seQura
Ramón Egea picture

Ramón Egea

Tech Talent Acquisition Lead


"Joppy has been instrumental in helping us at seQura hire top tech talent. Their expertise paired with their impressive digital platform, has made it easy for us to connect with highly qualified candidates. They've truly been a valuable partner in expanding our technical team"

Start using Joppy and meet candidates in less than a week

How it works

Quick & assisted set up 🏎️

In less than 1 hour, we will take care of setting your employer branding page and set up your dashboard so you can start publish all your job offers. Highlight your employer branding to our +80K community

📊 +81,000 candidates subscribed

Offer configuration screen on the platform
Job offer card and people avatar

Qualified talent Sourced 🎯

We will help you publish your job offers, optimizing them so they match only with the relevant candidates through notifications. Let our matching system source for you!

📊 +12 good candidates in less than a week

Expert vetting 🏆

Our expert team & technology review all candidates who accept your offers to identify the best matches. We add our evaluation among hard & soft skills analysis and highlight the top matches so you can contact them as soon as possible.

📊 Reduce time by 70%

Candidate dashboard with job offer details

Easy management 🕹️

Our ATS style dashboard will help you easily manage the candidates who have applied to your offers. You can organize candidates based on their stage in the selection process.

Additionally you can search through all the candidates in our database that match your offers. Additionally, you can connect with them by sending a customized message, making your jobs stand out.

Candidate dashboard and sourcing profiles
Candidate details, chat and notes

Start interviewing 💬

You will be able to directly chat with all the candidates to schedule the first interviews faster. You will also have access to their contact information to streamline communication.

📊 -28% of ghosting

Hire efficiently the right talent 🎯

Offer simulator

You can use our offer simulator to see the potential reach in our database. We'll provide you with a report containing the most relevant information (experience, salary, location, etc.)


Bar chart


Pie chart


Linear chart


Bar chart

Would you like us to help you?

You can schedule a meeting with us to guide you and assist you with your selection processes. Nico, Carlos & Jonathan will be happy to help you

Nico, Carlos, Jonathan pictures
Book a demo


pay only if you hire, NO exclusivity


One time payment


Pay only if the candidate is in the company

Unlimited access to techies

+81K techies

+81K techies

Unlimited job offers

Fee payment

One time payment per hire, 9.5% fee of gross salary

1.25% monthly fee during 12 months


3 months

1 year

best in the market

Dedicated Account Manager

Soft skills analysis with IA

Vetted candidates (expert team + IA)

Directly search candidates in the DB

ATS candidates management

Branding company page

Performance report of job offers

ATS integration

Looking for an enterprise account to handle high-volume tech hiring?

Contact us to discuss a custom plan tailored to your needs

Frequently Asked Questions